One of the most appealing parts to the automotive business for the dealer is automation of sales, processes and systems. For a salesperson it's often the fact they have a job they walk in to and the dealership often provides and does a lot of the 'hard work' for them, in almost plug-and-play fashion but
Every salesperson needs their own customization, message, strategies & techniques, as well as having enough new people coming through the door to succeed. Which becomes a win-win for the dealer right?
Well have you noticed that when there is a showroom full opportunities, most salespeople are at their best and do a great job of converting these opportunities into sales, however, outside of the showroom, it's a different story?
All the greatest salespeople have developed customized strategies so they are no longer dependent on the dealership, or sounding the same as everyone else, they aren't using outdated tactics, and will ultimately allow them, and the dealer to wipe the floor with the competition!